Reported speech


In reported speech, change the tenses you use:

direct speech -------------- reported speech

present simple ----------------- past simple

past simple ----------------------past perfect

present perfect-----------------past perfect


Read this dialogue. James uses reported speech, what the person actually said is in red.

Janine: Can you call the airline and find out what’s happening with my flight?
James: I called them earlier and they said that it was delayed for two hours.
              The flight is delayed for two hours.              
Janine: Did they say why?
James: They said that there had been very bad weather on its outward journey and that this had made it late arriving in Pisa. As a result it had missed its normal take-off slot and had had to wait for another.
                There was some very bad weather on the outward journey and this made it late arriving in Pisa. As a result it missed     its normal take-off slot and had to wait for another.
Janine: Is it still on the ground?
James: No. They said that it had taken off two hours late but it is in the air.
                  No, it took off two hours late, but it is in the air.
Janine: So the good news is I have time to finish working on this report.
James: Yes, but the bad news is you’ll be late for your meeting in Italy. >